9 Extremely Uncharacteristic 3 Quite Uncharacteristic 5 Fairly Uncharacteristic 7 Somewhat Uncharacteristic 11 Relatively Neutral 15 Somewhat Characteristic 11 Fairly Characteristic 7 Quite Characteristic 5 Extremely Characteristic 3 Interviews others (if present). (e.g., asks a series of questions) 1 Volunteers a large amount of information about self. 2 Seems interested in what someone had to say. 3 Tries to control the situation. (Disregard whether attempts at control succeed or not.) 4 Dominates the situation. (Disregard intention, e.g., if P dominates the situation by default because other(s) present does very little, this item should receive high placement.) 5 Appears to be relaxed and comfortable. 6 Exhibits social skills. (e.g., makes other(s) comfortable, keeps conversation moving, entertains or charms other(s)) 7 Is reserved and unexpressive. (e.g., expresses little affect; acts in a stiff, formal manner) 8 Laughs frequently. (Disregard whether laughter appears to be nervous or genuine.) 9 Smiles frequently. 10 Is physically animated; moves around. 11 Seems to like other(s) present. (e.g., would probably like to be friends with them) 12 Exhibits an awkward interpersonal style. (e.g., seems to have difficulty knowing what to say, mumbles, fails to respond to conversational advances) 13 Compares self to other(s). (whether others are present or not) 14 Shows high enthusiasm and a high energy level. 15 Shows a wide range of interests. (e.g., talks about many topics) 16 Talks at rather than with other(s). (e.g., conducts a monologue, ignores what other(s) says) 17 Expresses agreement frequently. (High placement = agreement is expressed unusually often, e.g., in response to each and every statement partner(s) makes. Low placement = unusual lack of expression of agreement.) 18 Expresses criticism. (of anybody or anything) (Low placement = expresses praise.) 19 Is talkative. (as observed in this situation) 20 Expresses insecurity. (e.g., seems touchy or overly sensitive) 21 Show physical signs of tension or anxiety. (e.g., fidgets nervously, voice wavers) (Middle placement = Lack of signs of anxiety. Low placement = lack of signs under circumstances where you would expect them.) 22 Exhibits a high degree of intelligence (Give this item high placement only if P actually says or does something of high intelligence. Low placement = exhibition of low intelligence. Medium placement = no information one way or another.) 23 Expresses sympathy. (to anyone, i.e., including conversational references) (Low placement = unusual lack of sympathy.) 24 Initiates humor. 25 Seeks reassurance. (e.g., asks for agreement, fishes for praise) 26 Exhibits condescending behavior. (e.g., acts as if self is superior to other(s) [present, or otherwise]) (Low placement = acting inferior.) 27 Seems likable. (to other(s) present) 28 Seeks advice. 29 Appears to regard self as physically attractive. 30 Acts irritated. 31 Expresses warmth. (to anyone, e.g., including affectionate references to close friends, ect.) 32 Tries to undermine, sabotage or obstruct. 33 Expresses hostility. (no matter toward whom or what) 34 Is unusual or unconventional in appearance. 35 Behaves in a fearful or timid manner. 36 Is expressive in face, voice or gestures. 37 Expresses interest in fantasy or daydreams. (Low placement only if such interest is explicitly disavowed.) 38 Expresses guilt. (about anything) 39 Keeps other(s) at a distance; avoids development of any sort of interpersonal relationship. (Low placement = behavior to get close to other(s).) 40 Shows interest in intellectual or cognitive matters. (discusses an intellectual idea in detail or with enthusiasm) 41 Seems to enjoy the situation. 42 Says or does something interesting. 43 Says negative things about self. (e.g., is self-critical; expresses feelings of inadequacy) 44 Displays ambition. (e.g., passionate discussion of career plans, course grades, opportunities to make money) 45 Blames others. (for anything) 46 Expresses self-pity or feelings of victimization. 47 Expresses sexual interest. (e.g., acts attracted to someone present; expresses interest in dating or sexual matters in general) 48 Behaves in a cheerful manner. 49 Gives up when faced with obstacles. (Low placement implies unusual persistence.) 50 Behaves in a stereotypically masculine style or manner. 51 Offers advice. 52 Speaks fluently and expresses ideas well. 53 Emphasizes accomplishments of self, family or acquaintances. (Low placement = emphasizes failures of these individuals.) 54 Behaves in a competitive manner. (Low placement = cooperation.) 55 Speaks in a loud voice. 56 Speaks sarcastically. (e.g., says things (s)he does not mean; makes facetious comments that are not necessarily funny) 57 Makes or approaches physical contact with other(s). (of any sort, including sitting unusually close without touching) (Low placement = unusual avoidance of physical contact, such as large interpersonal distance.) 58 Engages in constant eye contact with someone. (Low placement = unusual lack of eye contact.) 59 Seems detached from the situation. 60 Speaks quickly. (Low placement = speaks slowly.) 61 Acts playful. 62 Other(s) seeks advice from P. 63 Concentrates on or works hard at a task. 64 Engages in physical activity. (e.g., works up a sweat) (Low placement = almost completely sedentary.) 65 Acts in a self-indulgent manner. (e.g., spending, eating, or drinking) (Low placement implies self-denial.) 66 Exhibits physical discomfort or pain. (High placement = excess of what seems proportionate. Low placement implies lack of these signs where expected.) 67 Behaves in a stereotypically feminine style or manner. 51