Supplemental Tables
for Spain, Eaton, and Funder (1999)
"Perspectives on Personality: The Relative Accuracy of Self vs. Others for the Prediction of Emotion and Behavior"

[Neuroticism Correlates of Emotion] [Extraversion Correlates of Emotion] [Openness to Experience Correlates of Emotion] [Agreeableness Correlates of Emotion] [Conscientiousness Correlates of Emotion] [Neuroticism Correlates of RBQ] [Extraversion Correlates of RBQ] [Openness to Experience Correlates of RBQ] [Agreeableness Correlates of RBQ] [Conscientiousness Correlates of RBQ]

Table 1

NEO Neuroticism Correlates of Emotion Ratings
for Self, Individual Informants, and Informant Composite

Source of Personality Description
Emotion Self Informant
Calm -.34* .06 -.14 -.05
Energetic -.27* -.03 -.17 -.13
Happy -.15 -.07 -.18 -.15













































* p < .05

Table 2

NEO Extraversion Correlates of Emotion Ratings
for Self, Individual Informants, and Informant Composite

Source of Personality Description
Emotion Self Informant
Calm .14 -.02 .01 -.00
Energetic .38* .13 .18 .18
Happy .43* .33* .32* .36*
Interested .28* .16 -.03 .07
Joyful .33* .21 .28* .28*
Pleased .38* .28* .15 .24
Distressed -.15 -.13 -.01 .04
Hostile -.29* -.14 -.22* -.21
Nervous -.18 .03 -.02 -.00
Sad -.04 -.07 -.12 -.11
Scared -.13 -.00 .01 .00
Upset -.09 -.01 -.08 -.06
* p < .05

Table 3

NEO Openness to Experience Correlates of Emotion Ratings
for Self, Individual Informants, and Informant Composite

Source of Personality Description
Emotion Self Informant
Calm .13 .02 .19 .12
Energetic .05 -.05 .07 .01
Happy .15 .03 .20 .15
Interested .22* .10 .14 .15
Joyful .04 .03 .18 .13
Pleased .12 .05 .26* .19
Distressed -.21 -.13 -.14 -.16
Hostile -.12 -.26* -.20 -.28*
Nervous -.05 -.12 -.16 -.17
Sad .02 -.04 -.05 -.05
Scared .03 .00 -.09 -.05
Upset -.04 -.22* -.16 -.23*
* p < .05

Table 4

NEO Agreeableness Correlates of Emotion Ratings
for Self, Individual Informants, and Informant Composite

Source of Personality Description
Emotion Self Informant
Calm .19 .10 .03 .07
Energetic .19 .03 .12 .08
Happy .36* .24* .27* .29*
Interested .25* .16 .12 .15
Joyful .23* .21 .26* .27*
Pleased .30* .22 .30 .30*
Distressed -.22 -.05 -.05 -.06
Hostile -.27* -.24* -.28* -.30*
Nervous -.11 .13 .02 .08
Sad -.14 -.18 -.19 -.21
Scared -.13 .00 -.11 -.06
Upset -.23* -.16 -.12 -.16
* p < .05

Table 5

NEO Conscientiousness Correlates of Emotion Ratings
for Self, Individual Informants, and Informant Composite

Source of Personality Description
Emotion Self Informant
Calm .26* -.05 .01 -.02
Energetic .27* .16 .02 .10
Happy .20* .36 .02 .10
Interested .10 .16 .11 .17
Joyful .14 .17 .04 .12
Pleased .14 .19 .13 .19
Distressed -.25* -.15 -.24* -.23*
Hostile -.28* -.19 -.20 -.23*
Nervous -.16 .02 -.09 -.04
Sad -.06 -.00 -.24* -.15
Scared -.02 .04 -.22* -.12
Upset -.21 -.13 -.20 -.19
* p < .05

Table 6

NEO Neuroticism Correlates of Riverside Behavioral Q-sort (RBQ) Items
for Self, Individual Informants, and Informant Composite

Source of Personality Description
RBQ Item Self Informant
Aware of being on camera/in experiment .13 .00 .00 .00
Interviews his or her partner .11 .18 .15 .20
Volunteers a large amount of information -.02 -.13 -.15 -.17
Seems interested in what partner says .02 -.08 .02 -.04
Tries to control the interaction .17 .20 .09 .17
Dominates the interaction .05 .12 -.02 .06
Appears to be relaxed and comfortable -.10 -.15 -.05 -.12
Exhibits social skills -.08 .04 .00 .03
Is reserved and unexpressive .11 -.03 .13 .06
Laughs frequently .02 .19 .01 .12
Smiles frequently -.06 .17 .03 .11
Is physically animated .09 .10 -.01 .05
Seems to like partner .05 -.03 -.02 -.03
Exhibits an awkward interpersonal style .16 .19 .04 .13
Compares self to others .01 -.14 -.17 -.19
Shows high enthusiasm and energy level -.05 .13 -.02 .06
Shows a wide range of interests -.09 -.17 -.34* -.31*
Talks at rather than with partner -.01 .17 .14 .19
Expresses agreement frequently -.07 -.01 .05 .03
Expresses criticism .07 .05 .10 .09
Is talkative -.09 -.04 -.14 -.11
Expresses insecurity -.06 -.20 .05 -.08
Shows physical signs of tension/anxiety .09 -.01 .05 .03
Exhibits a high degree of intelligence -.01 -.31* .03 -.16
Expresses sympathy toward partner -.16 -.07 .13 .04
Initiates humor -.14 -.00 -.19 -.12
Seeks reassurance from partner .01 .04 .00 .02
Exhibits condescending behavior -.07 -.05 -.01 -.04
Seems likable -.02 .01 .12 .08
Seeks advice from partner .01 -.03 -.00 -.02
Appears to regard self as attractive -.04 .09 .23* .20
Acts irritated .11 -.20 -.03 -.14
Expresses warmth .09 .08 .14 .14
Tries to undermine, sabotage or obstruct .03 .21 -.05 .09
Expresses hostility -.04 -.09 .02 -.04
Is unusual or unconventional in appearance -.04 -.14 -.18 -.19
Behaves in a fearful or timid manner -.04 -.04 .05 .01
Is expressive in face, voice or gestures -.03 .13 .09 .13
Expresses interest in fantasy or daydreams -.23* -.17 -.08 -.15
Expresses guilt -.11 -.02 -.05 -.04
Keeps partner at a distance -.00 .04 .21 .16
Shows interest in intellectual matters -.02 -.21 .00 -.12
Seems to enjoy the interaction -.10 .00 -.05 -.03
Says or does interesting things -.01 -.05 -.13 -.11
Says negative things about self .12 .13 .11 .14
Displays ambition .01 -.17 -.05 -.12
Blames others -.01 -.02 .00 -.01
Expresses self-pity/victimization .04 .13 .04 .10
Expresses sexual interest -.03 .00 -.13 -.08
Behaves in a cheerful manner -.19 .07 -.04 .01
Gives up when faced with obstacles .13 .07 .14 .12
Behaves stereotypically masculine/feminine -.06 .04 -.02 .01
Offers advice .14 -.13 .02 -.06
Speaks fluently and expresses ideas well -.08 -.15 -.01 -.09
Emphasizes accomplishments -.14 -.15 -.17 -.19
Competes with partner .01 .10 .02 .07
Speaks in a loud voice .01 -.09 -.09 -.11
Speaks sarcastically .17 .12 .09 .13
Makes or approaches physical contact .07 .02 -.06 -.03
Engages in constant eye contact -.27* -.11 -.15 -.15
Seems detached from the interaction .08 .02 .08 .06
Speaks quickly -.01 -.06 -.01 -.04
Acts playful -.03 .05 -.13 -.05
Partner seeks advice from subject .07 -.04 .04 .00
* p < .05

Table 7

NEO Extraversion Correlates of Riverside Behavioral Q-sort (RBQ) Items
for Self, Individual Informants, and Informant Composite

Source of Personality Description
RBQ Item Self Informant
Aware of being on camera/in experiment -.19 -.16 -.19 -.20
Interviews his or her partner .18 .00 -.06 -.04
Volunteers a large amount of information .25* .12 .25* .22*
Seems interested in what partner says .01 -.05 .10 .04
Tries to control the interaction .01 -.06 -.18 -.14
Dominates the interaction .07 .03 -.08 -.04
Appears to be relaxed and comfortable .09 -.07 -.04 -.06
Exhibits social skills .37* .07 -.01 .03
Is reserved and unexpressive -.26* -.14 -.01 -.09
Laughs frequently
.03 -.01 -.22* -.14
Smiles frequently .11 -.07 -.11 -.10
Is physically animated .16 .14 .09 .13
Seems to like partner .06 .05 .19 .14
Exhibits an awkward interpersonal style -.21 -.03 .03 .00
Compares self to others -.19 -.13 -.10 -.13
Shows high enthusiasm and energy level .24* .11 -.01 .05
Shows a wide range of interests .13 -.11 .05 -.02
Talks at rather than with partner -.08 .19 .10 .16
Expresses agreement frequently -.05 -.10 -.05 -.09
Expresses criticism -.35* -.17 -.22* -.22*
Is talkative .18 .08 .01 .05
Expresses insecurity -.19 -.05 -.00 -.03
Shows physical signs of tension/anxiety -.15 -.02 .15 .08
Exhibits a high degree of intelligence -.15 -.05 .09 .03
Expresses sympathy toward partner .08 -.04 .09 .03
Initiates humor .15 .10 -.05 .02
Seeks reassurance from partner .13 .31* .36* .38*
Exhibits condescending behavior -.13 -.02 -.04 -.03
Seems likable .13 .06 .17 .13
Seeks advice from partner -.09 -.06 .08 .01
Appears to regard self as attractive .13 .14 .22 .20
Acts irritated -.18 .03 -.03 .00
Expresses warmth .06 .05 .11 .09
Tries to undermine, sabotage or obstruct .14 .18 .10 .16
Expresses hostility -.10 .06 -.00 .03
Is unusual or unconventional in appearance .03 -.14 -.04 -.10
Behaves in a fearful or timid manner -.23* -.08 .08 .01
Is expressive in face, voice or gestures .19 .15 .02 .09
Expresses interest in fantasy or daydreams .12 .06 .16 .12
Expresses guilt -.08 -.06 -.11 -.09
Keeps partner at a distance -.21 -.10 -.18 -.16
Shows interest in intellectual matters -.17 -.20 .02 -.09
Seems to enjoy the interaction .14 .08 .15 .13
Says or does interesting things .15 .07 .13 .12
Says negative things about self -.09 -.13 -.07 -.11
Displays ambition -.28* -.18 -.08 -.14
Blames others -.02 .10 -.09 -.00
Expresses self-pity/victimization -.11 .03 -.01 .00
Expresses sexual interest .13 .18 .22 .23*
Behaves in a cheerful manner .22* .15 .01 .09
Gives up when faced with obstacles .01 .14 -.09 .02
Behaves stereotypically masculine/feminine -.01 .15 .14 .16
Offers advice -.09 -.07 -.02 -.05
Speaks fluently and expresses ideas well .21 .05 .01 .03
Emphasizes accomplishments -.06 -.18 .03 -.08
Competes with partner -.06 -.01 -.11 -.07
Speaks in a loud voice -.05 .04 -.14 -.06
Speaks sarcastically -.08 .02 -.23* -.13
Makes or approaches physical contact -.03 .01 .13 .09
Engages in constant eye contact .23* .05 .06 .06
Seems detached from the interaction -.17 -.08 -.05 -.07
Speaks quickly -.04 -.06 -.07 -.07
Acts playful .19 .10 .01 .06
Partner seeks advice from subject .07 .02 .03 .02
* p < .05

Table 8

NEO Openness to Experience Correlates of Riverside Behavioral Q-sort (RBQ) Items
for Self, Individual Informants, and Informant Composite

Source of Personality Description
RBQ Item Self Informant
Aware of being on camera/in experiment -.02 -.06 -.06 -.07
Interviews his or her partner -.04 -.03 -.15 -.10
Volunteers a large amount of information .12 .07 .01 .05
Seems interested in what partner says .06 -.03 .06 .02
Tries to control the interaction .06 .06 -.10 -.03
Dominates the interaction .07 .07 -.02 .03
Appears to be relaxed and comfortable .11 -.05 -.00 -.03
Exhibits social skills .12 .02 -.04 -.01
Is reserved and unexpressive -.19 -.03 -.00 -.02
Laughs frequently .24* .07 .12 .11
Smiles frequently .27* .07 .01 .05
Is physically animated .13 .08 .10 .11
Seems to like partner -.03 -.15 .01 -.09
Exhibits an awkward interpersonal style -.11 .01 -.00 .00
Compares self to others -.19 -.07 -.28* -.21
Shows high enthusiasm and energy level .23* .13 .09 .14
Shows a wide range of interests .04 -.04 -.09 -.08
Talks at rather than with partner -.02 .11 .03 .09
Expresses agreement frequently .02 -.02 .04 .01
Expresses criticism -.16 -.19 -.13 -.19
Is talkative .27* .13 .04 .10
Expresses insecurity -.30* -.09 -.12 -.13
Shows physical signs of tension/anxiety -.30* -.15 -.03 -.11
Exhibits a high degree of intelligence .06 .18 .02 .12
Expresses sympathy toward partner -.17 -.26* .01 -.15
Initiates humor .15 .02 .13 .10
Seeks reassurance from partner -02 .05 .11 .10
Exhibits condescending behavior -.16 -.05 .03 -.01
Seems likable .11 -.10 -.04 -.08
Seeks advice from partner -.03 .00 .02 .02
Appears to regard self as attractive -.21 -.13 -.07 -.12
Acts irritated -.26* .03 .09 .07
Expresses warmth .11 .03 -.08 -.03
Tries to undermine, sabotage or obstruct .11 .25* .24* .30*
Expresses hostility -.12 .03 .10 .08
Is unusual or unconventional in appearance .11 -.04 .17 .08
Behaves in a fearful or timid manner -.20 .04 .04 .05
Is expressive in face, voice or gestures .10 .09 .03 .08
Expresses interest in fantasy or daydreams -.14 -.10 .05 -.04
Expresses guilt -.10 .14 .04 .11
Keeps partner at a distance -.19 -.06 -.12 -.11
Shows interest in intellectual matters -.12 .04 -.15 -.07
Seems to enjoy the interaction .26* .01 .09 .06
Says or does interesting things .28* .10 .10 .12
Says negative things about self -.17 -.28* -.07 -.22*
Displays ambition -.13 -.01 -.16 -.10
Blames others -.06 .11 -.04 .04
Expresses self-pity/victimization -.19 -.03 -.05 -.04
Expresses sexual interest -.05 .04 .15 .12
Behaves in a cheerful manner .14 -.05 .04 -.00
Gives up when faced with obstacles .04 .07 .05 .07
Behaves stereotypically masculine/feminine -.36* -.28* -.10 -.23*
Offers advice -.21 -.21 -.15 -.22
Speaks fluently and expresses ideas well .23* .14 .05 .11
Emphasizes accomplishments .02 .04 .06 .06
Competes with partner .07 .20 -.06 .09
Speaks in a loud voice .06 -.03 -.06 -.06
Speaks sarcastically -.02 .09 -.10 -.00
Makes or approaches physical contact .05 -.09 .14 .03
Engages in constant eye contact .24* .03 .10 .08
Seems detached from the interaction -.15 .01 .12 .08
Speaks quickly .03 .06 .03 .05
Acts playful .14 .05 -.03 .02
Partner seeks advice from subject -.10 -.11 -.12 -.14
* p < .05

Table 9

NEO Agreeableness Correlates of Riverside Behavioral Q-sort (RBQ) Items
for Self, Individual Informants, and Informant Composite

Source of Personality Description
RBQ Item Self Informant
Aware of being on camera/in experiment -.11 .05 -.08 -.02
Interviews his or her partner .02 -.08 -.08 -.09
Volunteers a large amount of information .13 -.08 -.01 -.05
Seems interested in what partner says .19 .18 .15 .18
Tries to control the interaction -.15 -.24* -.21 -.25*
Dominates the interaction .03 -.05 .03 -.01
Appears to be relaxed and comfortable .04 .04 .05 .05
Exhibits social skills .25* .12 .09 .12
Is reserved and unexpressive -.27* -.06 -.10 -.09
Laughs frequently .15 .01 .10 .06
Smiles frequently .26* .09 .10 .11
Is physically animated .15 .02 .08 .06
Seems to like partner .01 -.10 .10 .01
Exhibits an awkward interpersonal style -.15 -.11 .04 -.04
Compares self to others -.13 .01 -.13 -.07
Shows high enthusiasm and energy level .22* .01 .09 .06
Shows a wide range of interests -.06 -.16 .00 -.08
Talks at rather than with partner .01 .21 .10 .17
Expresses agreement frequently -.00 .07 .00 .04
Expresses criticism -.32* -.28* -.31* -.34*
Is talkative .16 .03 .04 .04
Expresses insecurity -.29* .06 -.05 .00
Shows physical signs of tension/anxiety -.18 -.11 -.12 -.13
Exhibits a high degree of intelligence -.04 .12 -.09 .01
Expresses sympathy toward partner .10 .00 .06 .04
Initiates humor .19 .08 .23* .18
Seeks reassurance from partner -.08 .07 .17 .14
Exhibits condescending behavior -.33* -.21 -.19 -.22*
Seems likable .15 .05 .04 .05
Seeks advice from partner -.09 .01 .02 .02
Appears to regard self as attractive .06 .08 -.04 .02
Acts irritated -.33* .08 -.09 -.01
Expresses warmth .23* .09 .05 .08
Tries to undermine, sabotage or obstruct .10 -.02 .16 .09
Expresses hostility -.26* .02 -.06 -.02
Is unusual or unconventional in appearance -.10 -.18 -.09 -.15
Behaves in a fearful or timid manner -.05 .08 .07 .08
Is expressive in face, voice or gestures .26* .15 .17 .18
Expresses interest in fantasy or daydreams -.09 -.12 -.12 -.14
Expresses guilt -.07 .02 -.01 .00
Keeps partner at a distance -.15 .04 -.08 -.03
Shows interest in intellectual matters -.13 -.01 -.21 -.13
Seems to enjoy the interaction .31* .17 .28* .26*
Says or does interesting things .06 .11 .14 .15
Says negative things about self -.22* -.20 -.08 -.16
Displays ambition -.14 -.06 -.21 -.16
Blames others -.15 -.04 -.10 -.08
Expresses self-pity/victimization -.11 -.01 -.04 -.03
Expresses sexual interest .09 -.00 .07 .04
Behaves in a cheerful manner .34* .18 .23* .23*
Gives up when faced with obstacles .11 .17 .04 .12
Behaves stereotypically masculine/feminine -.06 .03 .08 .07
Offers advice -.13 -.07 -.02 -.05
Speaks fluently and expresses ideas well .13 .01 -.01 .00
Emphasizes accomplishments -.00 -.04 -.08 -.07
Competes with partner .02 .01 -.03 -.01
Speaks in a loud voice .04 -.11 -.11 -.12
Speaks sarcastically -.12 .06 -.11 -.03
Makes or approaches physical contact .09 -.12 -.06 -.10
Engages in constant eye contact .29* .20 .25* .26*
Seems detached from the interaction -.16 -.02 -.05 -.04
Speaks quickly .05 -.12 -.14 -.14
Acts playful .16 .15 .10 .14
Partner seeks advice from subject -.04 -.12 .01 -.06
* p < .05

Table 10

NEO Conscientiousness Correlates of Riverside Behavioral Q-sort (RBQ) Items
for Self, Individual Informants, and Informant Composite

Source of Personality Description
RBQ Item Self Informant
Aware of being on camera/in experiment .09 -.00 .05 .03
Interviews his or her partner .07 -.05 -.06 -.06
Volunteers a large amount of information .08 .08 -.02 .03
Seems interested in what partner says -.07 -.05 .09 .03
Tries to control the interaction -.04 -.01 -.10 -.07
Dominates the interaction .10 .08 -.05 .01
Appears to be relaxed and comfortable -.13 .04 -.04 .00
Exhibits social skills .05 .01 -.06 -.03
Is reserved and unexpressive -.07 -.06 .08 .02
Laughs frequently -.07 .14 -.15 -.17
Smiles frequently .06 -.18 .01 -.10
Is physically animated .04 -.00 -.16 -.10
Seems to like partner -.15 -.17 -.13 -.17
Exhibits an awkward interpersonal style -.01 -.11 .16 .04
Compares self to others .04 -.15 .14 .00
Shows high enthusiasm and energy level .09 .01 -.19 -.11
Shows a wide range of interests .22* .01 .18 .11
Talks at rather than with partner -.01 .09 -.04 .02
Expresses agreement frequently -.14 -.15 .02 -.07
Expresses criticism -.27* -.12 -.16 -.17
Is talkative .08 .09 -.18 -.06
Expresses insecurity .12 .16 .08 .14
Shows physical signs of tension/anxiety .10 -.03 .16 .08
Exhibits a high degree of intelligence -.13 -.01 -.07 -.05
Expresses sympathy toward partner -.07 -.00 -.05 -.03
Initiates humor -.07 -.13 -.24* -.22*
Seeks reassurance from partner .01 -.10 -.05 -.09
Exhibits condescending behavior -.07 .02 -.06 -.02
Seems likable -.10 -.02 -.09 -.06
Seeks advice from partner .07 .01 .22* .14
Appears to regard self as attractive .10 .10 .00 .05
Acts irritated -.05 .07 .16 .14
Expresses warmth .07 .03 .20 .14
Tries to undermine, sabotage or obstruct .17 .18 .13 .18
Expresses hostility -.13 .01 .02 .02
Is unusual or unconventional in appearance .01 -.07 .10 .03
Behaves in a fearful or timid manner .01 -.10 .11 .01
Is expressive in face, voice or gestures -.03 .01 -.24* -.14
Expresses interest in fantasy or daydreams .11 -.09 .06 -.01
Expresses guilt .03 .11 .12 .13 
Keeps partner at a distance .01 -.06 .03 -.01
Shows interest in intellectual matters .03 .05 .16 .13
Seems to enjoy the interaction -.14 -.06 -.25* -.19
Says or does interesting things -.01 .11 -.13 -.02
Says negative things about self .02 -.01 -.03 -.03
Displays ambition .02 -.05 .22* .10
Blames others -.14 -.01 .04 .02
Expresses self-pity/victimization -.12 -.10 .01 -.05
Expresses sexual interest -.04 .08 .02 .05
Behaves in a cheerful manner .01 -.15 -.13 -.16
Gives up when faced with obstacles -.15 .06 -.08 -.01
Behaves stereotypically masculine/feminine .01 -.04 .00 -.02
Offers advice .09 .23* .17 .23*
Speaks fluently and expresses ideas well .02 .13 -.01 .07
Emphasizes accomplishments .09 -.03 .20 .10
Competes with partner .19 .16 .21 .22
Speaks in a loud voice .03 .17 -.05 .06
Speaks sarcastically -.08 -.01 -.11 -.07
Makes or approaches physical contact -.01 .05 .09 .08
Engages in constant eye contact .03 .17 .11 .16
Seems detached from the interaction .07 .05 .24* .18
Speaks quickly -.04 .06 -.17 -.07
Acts playful -.09 -.02 -.27* -.18
Partner seeks advice from subject .09 .10 .08 .11
* p < .05
